42 Decision Tree
Tree basics
Decision tree is composed of nodes and edges.
Each node corresponds to a subset of the original dataset.
The root node is the original training dataset provided to train the decision tree.
The path from the root node to a node specifies how the subset of the dataset is partitioned from the original training dataset.
In the following sections, we will use the following notations.
A node: t
A decision tree is a set of nodes: T
The original training set: \mathbf{X}
The subset of the dataset that corresponds to node t: \mathbf{X}_{t}
Impurity function
The impurity function F (\mathbf{y}) measures the impureness of a set of labels \mathbf{y}.
F (\mathbf{y}) achieves maximum when the labels in \mathbf{y} are in uniform distribution.
F (\mathbf{y}) achieves minimum when there is only one unique label in \mathbf{y}.
We use F (\mathbf{X}) in the following context to compute the impureness of the labels in the dataset \mathbf{X} using the impurity function F.
Given a dataset \mathbf{X} with C unique labels, \mathbb{P} (c) is the probability of label c in the dataset, which is computed by dividing the number of instances with label c by the total number instances in \mathbf{X}.
When there is only one class in \mathbf{X}, the dataset is pure and thus impurity functions should return 0.
On the contrary, if all possible labels are in \mathbf{X} and the numbers of all unique labels are the same, \mathbf{X} achieves the maximum impureness.
Gini Impurity Index (Gini Impurity)
Gini impurity measures the probability of incorrectly classifying a randomly chosen element in the dataset if it were randomly labeled according to the class distribution in the dataset.
\begin{aligned} F (\mathbf{X}) & = \sum_{c \in C} \mathbb{P} (c) (1 - \mathbb{P} (c)) \\ & = \sum_{c \in C} \mathbb{P} (c) - \mathbb{P} (c)^{2} \\ & = 1 - \sum_{c \in C} \mathbb{P} (c)^2. \\ \end{aligned}
Shannon Entropy (Entropy)
Entropy is defined as the expectation of the log value
F (\mathbf{X}) = \sum_{c \in C} \mathbb{P} (c) \log \mathbb{P} (c).
Entropy can be thought as the difference measured by KL Divergence between the probability distribution of the unique labels represented in the current dataset \mathbf{X} and the distribution of the most impure dataset. Therefore, The larger the entropy, the more far away from a uniform distribution is the distribution of the labels represented by \mathbf{X}.
Given a dataset \mathbf{X} with continuous labels \{y_{1}, y_{2}, \dots, y_{n}\}, impurity functions can be defined a similar way.
If the labels in \mathbf{X} are very similar (low variance), the impurity functions should return a value closed to 0.
If the labels in \mathbf{X} are very different from each other (high variance), impurity functions should return a very large value.
Mean squared error
A dataset’s impurity can be simply measured by the mean squared error.
F (\mathbf{X}) = \frac{ 1 }{ N } \sum_{i}^{n} (y_{i} - \bar{y})^{2}
where \bar{y} is the mean value of the labels in dataset \mathbf{X}.
Splitting criteria
A split is a way that divides a feature space into different groups and is used in the tree building process to split a node to children nodes.
Binary split (2-way split): split a feature space into 2 groups. A node will have 2 sub-nodes.
k-way split: split a feature space into k groups. A node will have k sub-nodes.
The most important question of building a decision tree is how to choose the best split from a set of valid splits to split a node (dataset) into different child nodes (sub-datasets).
A splitting criteria is a function that measures the impurity difference between the dataset before splitting and the datasets after splitting.
The best split s for the node t should be the one that has the maximum splitting criteria \Delta F(\mathbf{X}_{t}, s).
Given a set of datasets \mathbf{X}_{1}, \dots, \mathbf{X}_{k} created by applying split s to the dataset \mathbf{X}_{t}, the splitting criteria is defined as:
\Delta F (\mathbf{X}_{t}, s) = F (\mathbf{X}_{t}) - \frac{ 1 }{ \lvert \mathbf{X}_{t} \rvert } \sum_{i = 1}^{k} \lvert \mathbf{X}_{i} \rvert F (\mathbf{X}).
If F is the entropy function, \Delta F(\mathbf{X}, s) is called Information Gain.
Stopping condition
Each split produces new nodes that recursively become the starting points for new splits.
A node stops splitting when certain stopping conditions are satisfied and such nodes are leaf nodes.
The leaf node doesn’t have children but has a label according to the dataset it corresponds to.
The basic stopping condition is that the dataset that the leaf node corresponds to has impureness of 0 (single training instance or all training instance have the same label), in which case the splitting stops because there is no need to reduce the impureness.
Early stopping
However, always splitting into pureness usually induces overfitting. Thus, there are other stopping conditions that can achieve early stopping to avoid overfitting.
Dataset size is below a threshold.
Splitting criteria improvement is below a threshold.
Tree depth is above a threshold.
Number of nodes is above a threshold.
Label assignment
For each node, we can assign a label to the node according to the labels of the dataset it corresponds to.
Classification: majority label.
Regression: mean label.
Every node can have a label assigned, but only leaf nodes actually use labels.
Misclassification cost
Assuming the assigned label of the node t is y_{t}, the misclassification cost r(t) of a node t for classification is defined as.
r (t) = 1 - \mathbb{P} (y_{t}),
and for regression is
r(t) = \frac{1}{N(t)} \sum_{y \in t} (y - y_{t}),
where y \in t means all labels in the dataset that node t corresponds to.
Then weighted misclassification cost of the node t is defined as the product of misclassification cost and the probability of picking an instance that is in the node t.
R (t) = \mathbb{P} (\mathbf{x} \in \mathbf{X}_{t}) r(t) = \frac{\lvert \mathbf{X}_{t} \rvert}{\lvert \mathbf{X} \rvert} r(t).
Then the misclassification cost of the a tree T is
R (T) = \sum_{t \in \hat{T}} R (t),
where \hat{T} is the set of the leaf nodes in tree T.
The weighted misclassification cost of a node t is always higher than the sum of the weighted misclassification costs of the children nodes T_{c} = \{t_{1}, t_{2}, \dots, t_{k}\} that t splits to
R (t) \geq \sum_{t_{i} \in T_{c}} R (t_{i}).
Thus, if we split one of the leaf nodes of T to get a new and larger tree T',
R (T) \geq R (T'),
which shows that the misclassification cost of a tree will always decrease or stay the same if we continue to split its leaf nodes.
Instead of doing early stopping while building the decision tree to avoid overfitting, another way is to do pruning after the tree has build. Pruning is the process to make some internal nodes to be leaf nodes, and remove their children from a sufficiently large tree.
Minimal cost-complexity pruning
Previously we show that R (T) might not a good measure of the performance of a tree in the sense that it always favors a larger tree. Thus we introduce another metric called cost-complexity that also considers the size of the tree.
If we consider each node has a complexity of \alpha, the cost-complexity R_{\alpha} (t) of a node t is
R_{\alpha} (t) = R (t) + \alpha
Thus, the cost-complexity R_{\alpha} (T) of a tree T is
R_{\alpha} (T) = \sum_{t \in \hat{T}} R_{\alpha} (t) = \sum_{t \in \hat{T}} (R (t) + \alpha) = R (T) + \alpha \lvert \hat{T} \rvert,
where \hat{T} is the set of leaf nodes of T.
Cost-complexity can be seen as adding a regularization term that penalize the complexity of the tree to the misclassification cost.
\alpha is the regularization parameter that balances the training accuracy and tree complexity.
Given \alpha, the goal of pruning of T is to get a pruned tree \hat{T} (a subtree of T that has the same root with T) that minimizes R_{\alpha} (\hat{T}).
Weakest-link cutting
Weakest-link cutting is an efficient way of doing the minimal cost-complexity pruning.
If the tree T is pruned by deleting subtree T_{t} rooted at the node t (replacing tree T with node t), the cost-complexity difference between pruned tree \hat{T} and unpruned tree T is
R_{\alpha} (\hat{T}) - R_{\alpha} (T) = R_{\alpha} (t) - R_{\alpha} (T_{t}).
If \alpha = 0, R_{\alpha} (t) - R_{\alpha} (T_{t}) = R (t) - R (T_{t}) \geq 0.
As \alpha becomes larger, R_{\alpha} (t) - R_{\alpha} (T_{t}) is getting smaller and will eventually becomes < 0, since \alpha is increasing slower than \alpha \lvert \hat{T} \rvert.
Given a sufficiently large \alpha, R_{\alpha} (t) - R_{\alpha} (T_{t}) < 0, which means that the cost-complexity of the node t is better than its subtree T_{t}, and thus T_{t} should be pruned.
Given a tree T, the weakest link \bar{t} is the internal node in T that achieves R_{\alpha} (\bar{t}) - R_{\alpha} (T_{\bar{t}}) = 0 with the smallest \alpha value.
The \alpha value that achieves R_{\alpha} (t) - R_{\alpha} (T_{t}) = 0 can be directly calculated.
\begin{aligned} R_{\alpha} (t) - R_{\alpha} (T_{t}) & = 0 \\ R (t) + \alpha - (R (T) + \alpha \lvert \hat{T} \rvert) & = 0 \\ R (t) - R (T) + \alpha (1 + \lvert \hat{T} \rvert) & = 0 \\ \alpha & = \frac{ R (t) - R (T_{t}) }{ \lvert T_{t} \rvert - 1 } \\ \end{aligned}
The weakest link is defined as
\bar{t} = \arg \min_{t \in T \setminus \hat{T}} \frac{ R (t) - R (T_{t}) }{ \lvert T_{t} \rvert - 1 }
where T \setminus \hat{T} means the set of the internal nodes of T.
If there are more than 1 internal node that achieves R_{\alpha} (\bar{t}) - R_{\alpha} (T_{\bar{t}}) = 0 with same minimum \alpha value, they are all called the weakest links.
Weakest-link cutting finds the optimal subtree \hat{T} of T_{max} that minimizes R_{\alpha} (\hat{T}) with a predefined threshold \alpha_{max} in a iterative way.
We start the pruning process by first removing from T_{max} the subtrees T_{t} rooted at nodes t that have already achieved R_{\alpha} (t) - R_{\alpha} (T_{t}) = 0. We denote the resulting tree T_{0}.
In each iteration i, the weakest link(s) \bar{t} of tree T_{i - 1} is identified by calculating
\bar{t} = \arg \min_{t \in T_{i - 1} \setminus \hat{T}_{i - 1}} \frac{ R (t) - R (T_{t}) }{ \lvert T_{t} \rvert - 1 }.
In the meantime, we can also calculate the \alpha_{i} that identifies the weakest links.
\alpha_{i} = \min_{t \in T_{i - 1} \setminus \hat{T}_{i - 1}} \frac{ R (t) - R (T_{t}) }{ \lvert T_{t} \rvert - 1 }.
We replace T_{\bar{t}} (the subtree rooted at \bar{t}) by \bar{t} and denote the resulting tree T_{i}.
Continue the iteration until the minimum \alpha required to achieve R_{\alpha} (\bar{t}) - R_{\alpha} (T_{\bar{t}}) = 0 is above a predefined threshold \alpha_{max}.
CART Tree building
Identify all possible splits
CART considers binary split of a single feature for each node (each node only splits a one feature and only has 2 children).
For a categorical feature that has k distinct values, CART considers all possible ways to split the k distinct values into 2 groups.
The maximum ways of splitting is 2^{k - 1} - 1.
e.g. If the categorical feature has 4 distinct values: \{1, 2, 3, 4\}, then all possible splits are
index 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 left child {1} {2} {3} {4} {1, 2} {1, 3} {1, 4} right child {2, 3, 4} {1, 3, 4} 1, 2, 4} {1, 2, 3} {3, 4} {2, 4} {2, 3}
For a numerical feature that has k distinct values appeared in the dataset, CART considers all the intervals between 2 consecutive values as the splits.
The maximum ways of splitting is k - 1.
e.g. If the numerical feature has 6 distinct values: \{-5.0, 1.0, 3.0, 5.0, 7.0, 11.0\}, then all possible splits are
index 1 2 3 4 5 left child \leq -2.0 \leq 2.0 \leq 4.0 \leq 6.0 \leq 9.0 right child > -2.0 > 2.0 > 4.0 > 6.0 > 9.0
At a given node, CART considers all possible splits of all features and chooses the one that has the maximum splitting criteria.
Recursive tree building
Identify all possible splittings among all features. For each categorical feature, each discrete value is a possible splitting. For each numerical feature, we can do either treat it as categorical feature by discretizing it or sort all training value of this numerical feature in ascending order and each interval between two consecutive number is a possible split.
Calculate the uncertainty difference (Gini Gain or Information Gain) for all possible splitting and select the splitting with max uncertainty difference to split.
Once a node splits into two children, compute the data points that satisfy the two branches respectively. For each branch, return to procedure 1 with the new sub dataset.
The splitting on a node stops when no further splitting can be made (the dataset contains only one class) or satisfies the preset early-stopping conditions.
- https://victorzhou.com/blog/intro-to-random-forests/
- https://www.math.snu.ac.kr/~hichoi/machinelearning/lecturenotes/CART.pdf
- https://www.cs.cornell.edu/courses/cs4780/2018fa/lectures/lecturenote17.html
- http://www.odbms.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/DecisionTrees.pdf
- https://scientistcafe.com/ids/splitting-criteria.html
- https://online.stat.psu.edu/stat508/book/export/html/647